All posts by Neil Carboy

This year, for a limited time, the Nassau County Police Activity League Unit will be offering unique, NCPAL WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY t-shirts.

All of the net proceeds from the purchase of the shirt will go to help benefit the NCPAL Special Needs Unit and their activities.

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is marked each year on March 21. The 21st day of March (the 3rd month of the year) was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome.

This causes physical and mental developmental delays and disabilities.

Many of the disabilities are lifelong, and they can also shorten life expectancy. However, people with Down syndrome can live healthy and fulfilling lives. Recent medical advances, as well as cultural and institutional support for people with Down syndrome and their families, provides many opportunities to help overcome the challenges of this condition.

At the NCPAL Special Needs Unit,  we provide sports and recreation programs specific to the entire special needs population in order to make a difference for these participants and their families and make their lives as fulfilling and typical as possible.

Orders will be taken until March 15th to ensure delivery by March 21st.

Click on the link in the bio for details. 


Intramural Soccer

Clinic & 1st Kicks starts 10/3 at 9:00am at Winthrop Ave School Field

Practice with trainers starts 10/3 at Winthrop

2015 Division 9:00-9:50am

Novice Girls (1st & 2nd gr) 10:00-10:50am

2013/2014 Division 11:00-11:50am

Junior Girls (3rd & 4th gr) 12:00-12:50pm

2011/2012 Division 12:00-12:50pm

Intramural games start 10/4. Click on intramural soccer then division for schedules.

Intramural Soccer

Intramural soccer registration will open 8/3 & close on 9/11. Due to covid-19 concerns and in order to socially distance registration will only take place online. 1st kicks & clinic will start 10/3. First intramural game is 10/4. For those with a credit you still need to register and your credit will be applied.

There will be a uniform purchase & pick up sometime in September. A date will be posted closer to that time.

Coaches guidelines:

Below is a list of state guidelines that PAL will like to make sure that are in place and being followed.

. Please make sure you are wearing your mask.

. Scan all players for temperature. A reading over 99 the child will have to return home. . Ask each player if they are experiencing any signs or symptoms of COV-19. If so, they should be sent home and instructed to contact their health care provider.

. All players should have a mask. ( The mask does not have to be worn while playing )

. Sanitize the players hands prior to coming on the field.

. Every child should have there own soccer ball.

. Remind the kids of social distancing when they are not participating.

. Please remind parents to have a mask and to maintain social distancing.

Thank you.

P.O. Anthony Kiser.

 Nassau County PAL Director.

PAL activities Cancelled

PAL activities cancelled

Dear Parents,

We hope everyone is staying safe & healthy during this difficult time.

Although we were remaining optimistic that we could provide the Bellmore community with a partial soccer season, unfortunately this is no longer the case. You and your child’s safety are our main concern.

Due to guidelines from the CDC, Health Department and the state, Nassau County Pal Headquarters has officially cancelled the Spring Intramural season. A credit will be applied to your account for the fall season. However, you will still need to register again in the fall.

For those who cannot participate in the Fall 2020 soccer season, send us an email at and we will give you a full refund. Please be patient with us. This may take a little longer as we try to work this out with our processing vendor.

Thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding.

Be well and stay safe,

Bellmore Pal

Parents, some of you might have heard recently that we lost our fields at Boces. We are currently working to get them back. The BMCHSD has been working with us to help resolve this issue. The school district has given up their practice space at Boces for us, as well as additional space at their school fields too. Thanks to the Bellmore Merrick Central High School district for the continuous support to our Pal Programs!!!